How can I buy cryptocurrencies online?
Did you know that you can purchase our Cryptonow gift cards not only in-store? There are two ways you can easily and conveniently acquire the gift cards online. Firstly, our physical gift cards can be purchased online, and they will be sent to you by mail within a few days. Secondly, we now also offer Digital Vouchers, allowing you to buy and activate your Cryptonow gift card online 24/7.
Physical Cryptonow Gift Cards with Cryptonow Wallet®
You can buy our popular Cryptonow gift card online in the Post, SBB, and KKiosk online shops. It is the same product available in stores, complete with the secure offline wallet. After purchase, your Cryptonow gift card will be delivered to you by mail within a few working days. You can then exchange the balance for cryptocurrency at your chosen time, and from that point forward, the cryptocurrency is stored directly on the gift card. The gift card also serves as our secure Cryptonow Wallet®.
Digital Voucher Purchase Online
A new option is to buy our Cryptonow gift card as a Digital Voucher on After purchase, a PDF with the Cryptonow voucher is generated directly. You can easily activate it on our website with a few clicks to convert the Swiss Franc amount into cryptocurrency. However, if you wish to store your cryptocurrency long-term, we always recommend transferring it to our Cryptonow Wallet®.
If you're unsure which product best suits your needs, feel free to reach out to us.