
The current value of Monero is , a change from 24 hours ago.

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Monero (XMR) is a digital currency introduced in 2014 to enable private and anonymous transactions. Unlike many other digital currencies, Monero aims to obfuscate sender and receiver information using advanced cryptography, making it difficult to trace payments to their original source. Privacy and security are fundamental features of Monero, and the project aims to provide protection to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. Monero aims to enable fast and cost-effective payments without the fear of censorship.
Monero (XMR) is a digital currency introduced in 2014 to enable private and anonymous transactions. Unlike many other digital currencies, Monero aims to obfuscate sender and receiver information using advanced cryptography, making it difficult to trace payments to their original source. Privacy and security are fundamental features of Monero, and the project aims to provide protection to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. Monero aims to enable fast and cost-effective payments without the fear of censorship.
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