Cryptocurrencies help people without access to traditional banks.

Salary account, savings deposit, pension, cash from an ATM, online payments – for most of us, these are part of everyday life. But not for 1.4 billion adults worldwide. This nearly one-fifth of the global population has no access to banking services or other regulated financial institutions. This means that every fifth person cannot simply deposit savings into an account, send and receive money, or take out loans. The lack of financial services not only hinders access to basic banking, but also slows economic development and social mobility for many communities. In this situation, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can play a transformative role by providing access to financial services for the unbanked, thus promoting financial inclusion and social justice.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can make a significant contribution to financial inclusion. They are global and accessible to everyone without the need for bank mediation, regardless of nationality or wealth.

One in five people worldwide has no access to banking services. Thanks to cryptocurrencies and decentralized technology, everyone with an internet connection can participate in the global financial system.

Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion means: For everyone

"Financial inclusion" means that all people have access to financial services under fair conditions. With access to financial services, we can invest in education or health or start businesses. Financial inclusion helps reduce poverty by enabling people to save, take out loans, and purchase insurance. It promotes greater income equality and is a key driver of economic growth by allowing more people to participate in the formal financial system, thereby increasing the potential for productivity and innovation.

People without access to banks

People without access to banks face many challenges. They may have to rely on overpriced private loans because, without a bank account, they don't qualify for a bank loan. For payments, they must use traditional money transfers or checks, paying high fees in the process. On top of that, there's often a lot of bureaucracy: in remote areas, someone might have to travel an entire day just to pick up their paycheck. Millions of people also lack the identification documents needed to open a bank account. These barriers lead to financial exclusion, making it difficult to access basic financial services, which hinders the economic and social development of many communities.

Being part of the global economy

And how do cryptocurrencies help? Crypto transactions are based on decentralized and transparent blockchain technology and occur from network to network—without intermediaries like banks. This makes crypto transfers fast, secure, and inexpensive. Everyone can access blockchain-based services such as loans, savings deposits, or insurance. Secure digital identities can also be created for identification purposes. In short, with just an internet connection, people around the world can participate in the global economy. Thanks to this innovative technology, financial inclusion becomes a reality, allowing even those without bank accounts to benefit from digital financial services.

Cryptocurrencies also provide people without bank accounts access to digital financial services and connect them globally. This is fair, supports social justice and poverty reduction. It also promotes economic growth and innovation, benefiting us all. Many believe that cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies represent the future of inclusive finance. These advanced approaches are crucial for a fairer society and help ensure financial participation for everyone.

Illustration of a PC, a vase, and a wallet
In Kürze: Finanzielle Inklusion mit Krypto

Etwa 20 % der Weltbevölkerung hat keinen Zugang zu traditionellen Bankdienstleistungen. Durch die Verwendung von Kryptowährungen und dezentralen Technologien besteht jedoch die Möglichkeit, dass jeder Mensch mit einer Internetverbindung am globalen Finanzsystem teilhaben kann. Wir zeigen dir, wie.

Illustration of a Bitcoin wallet.
Mobile Wallets

Eine mobile Wallet, sozusagen eine digitale Geldbörse, ermöglicht allen Menschen mit Internetanschluss Geldüberweisungen zu erhalten, Rechnungen zu bezahlen oder Bargeld an autorisierten Stellen abzuheben.

Illustration of a vase with Bitcoin.

Kreditnehmer werden direkt mit Kreditgeber verbunden und nutzen die Transparenz- und Sicherheitsfunktionen von Blockchain. So können Mikrokredite über das Internet an Kleinbetriebe und Einzelpersonen, vor allem in Entwicklungsländern, verliehen werden.

Illustration of a computer with a profile picture.

Plattformen nutzen die dezentrale Natur der Blockchain, um digitale Identitäten zu speichern und zu verwalten. So können sich Nutzer digital identifizieren und Informationen auf sichere und transparente Weise an andere Nutzer senden. So wird es beispielsweise für alle mit Internetzugang möglich, Kredite zu beantragen und an der formellen Wirtschaft teilzunehmen.


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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass eine Investition in digitale Assets neben den potenziellen Gewinnen auch Risiken birgt.