Crypto gift cards are now available digitally!

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Press release

Cryptonow has taken another step towards simplifying the crypto world. From now on, crypto gift cards can also be purchased online. "We are responding to the increased demand from our customers who want to conveniently purchase Cryptonow gift cards online, around the clock," said Simon Grylka, CEO of Cryptonow Group AG. "The introduction of the new digital gift cards is not only an optimal addition to our product range but also a significant step in making the world of cryptocurrencies even more accessible," Grylka added.

Simplicity meets variety

The digital Cryptonow gift cards can be purchased online in just a few steps. You can choose between different currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, or Polkadot. The gift cards are available in currency denominations ranging from CHF 50 to CHF 500. After the purchase, the securely generated eWallet can be activated in just a few steps. The cryptocurrency will then be directly available in the eWallet.

Partnership with Offerz

From now on, digital Cryptonow gift cards can be purchased in the Offerz online gift card store. Offerz is proud to be the first Swiss online shop to offer digital crypto gift cards, thus helping to shape the future of crypto trading. "We are very pleased to have found a reliable Swiss partner in the crypto world with Cryptonow, making it easier for our customers to acquire cryptocurrencies. We have followed the physical Cryptonow gift card with interest, and together with Cryptonow, we can now launch the digital version, which will certainly be just as successful. The digital Cryptonow gift cards can be easily personalized on and are available in various designs, just as our customers are accustomed to," said Dominik Megert, CEO of Offerz AG.

A look into the future

Cryptonow plans to offer digital crypto gift cards in a growing number of online shops in the future and is already working on promising partnerships. Simon Grylka provides insights into upcoming developments: "Our mission is to further simplify access to cryptocurrencies and make them easily accessible to a broad audience. That’s why, alongside continued growth in the Swiss market, expansion into Germany is a top priority on our agenda. This will make us the first provider of crypto gift cards in retail in Germany."

With these steps, Cryptonow is not only setting new standards in the world of cryptocurrencies but also laying the foundation for an even more user-friendly crypto future.

About Cryptonow

Cryptonow is a product of Cryptonow Group AG and is operated by Värdex Suisse. The company is a leader in providing secure and user-friendly crypto products for the Swiss retail sector. Based in the Zug Crypto Valley, the company is a regulated Swiss financial intermediary (member of the VQF) and a member of the Swiss Blockchain Association "Swiss Blockchain Federation."

For more information:

Contact for inquiries

Marina Arnold
Cryptonow Group AG

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