Coop now offers crypto gift cards from Cryptonow

Press release

Coop has now added Cryptonow's crypto gift cards to its range. This makes Coop the first major Swiss retailer to offer its customers the ability to purchase cryptocurrencies. Simon Grylka, CEO of Cryptonow Group AG, emphasizes the importance of this partnership: "Our mission is to make cryptocurrencies easy and secure for everyone to access. The collaboration with Coop marks a significant step in the further adoption of cryptocurrencies."

Easily buy and securely use cryptocurrencies

With Cryptonow, you can easily and securely purchase cryptocurrencies directly in-store. The gift cards are available in various denominations, ranging from CHF 50 to CHF 500. After purchase, they can be activated effortlessly in just a few steps. The unique feature: after activation, the cryptocurrency is stored directly on the gift card, which also functions as an offline wallet – the safest form of crypto storage.

Coop adds Cryptonow gift cards to its range

As of now, Cryptonow gift cards are available in 160 Coop stores across Switzerland. Coop is thus enabling its customers to purchase Bitcoin and Ethereum directly in-store.

About Cryptonow

Cryptonow is a product of Cryptonow Group AG and is operated by Värdex Suisse. The company is a leader in providing secure and user-friendly crypto products for the Swiss retail sector. Based in the Zug Crypto Valley, the company is a regulated Swiss financial intermediary (member of the VQF) and a member of the Swiss Blockchain Association "Swiss Blockchain Federation."

For more information:

Contact for inquiries

Marina Arnold

Cryptonow Group AG

Bitcoin card
Cryptonow gift card

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